Страна | Название | Сайт | Телефон |
Албания | Alo 116 | https://www.alo116.al/ | +355116000 |
Австрия | SOS KINDERDORF | https://www.rataufdraht.at/ | +43147 |
Бельгия | Child Focus | https://www.childfocus.be/ | +32116000 |
Болгария | Nadja Centre | http://www.centrenadja.com/ | +359116000 |
Хорватия | Centar za nestalu i zlostavljanu djecu | http://cnzd.org/ | +3228947484 |
Кипр | Association for the Prevention and Handling of Violence in the Family | https://www.domviolence.org.cy | +3571440 |
Чехия | Cesta z krize, z. ú. | https://cestazkrize.net/ | +420245501600 |
Франция | APEV 116 000 Enfants Disparus La Mouette | http://www.apev.org/ http://www.la-mouette.fr/ | +330146483594 +330553470618 |
Финляндия | Lasten perusoikeudet Children´s Fundamental Rights ry Kaapatut Lapset ry | https://www.lastenperusoikeudet.fi/ https://ensijaturvakotienliitto.fi/ | + 358443047728 +358916003 |
Германия | Weisser Ring | http://www.weisser-ring.de/ | |
Греция | Smile of the Child | http://www.hamogelo.gr/ | +302103306150 |
Венгрия | Kék Vonal | http://www.kek-vonal.hu/ | +32116111 |
Италия | SOS Il Telefono Azzurro Onlus | http://www.azzurro.it/ | +3919696 |
Ирландия | rish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children | http://www.ispcc.ie/ | +353016767960 |
Латвия | Bezvests.lv | http://www.bezvests.lv/ | +37122084084 |
Литва | Missing Persons' Families Support Centre | http://www.missing.lt/ | +370016767960 |
Португалия | Instituto de Apoio à Criança Associaçāo Portuguesa de Crianças Desaparecidas | http://www.iacrianca.pt/ http://www.ap-cd.pt/ | +351213617880 +351217262289 |
Польша | Itaka | http://www.itaka.org.pl/ | +48226547070 |
Румыния | Salvati Copiii | http://www.salvaticopiii.ro/ | +40213166176 |
Сербия | Astra | http://www.astra.org.rs/ | +381117850000 |
Словакия | Linka detskej istoty, n. o. | http://www.ldi.sk/ | +421116111 |
Испания | Fundación ANAR | http://www.anar.org/ | |
Швеция | Missing Children Switzerland, Fondation Suisse du Service Social International | http://www.missingchildren.ch/ http://www.ssiss.ch/ | +46116111 +41227316700 |
Нидерланды | The International Child Abduction Centre | http://www.kinderontvoering.org/ | +310888009000 |
Украина | NGO Magnolia | http://magnolia.org.ua/en | +380800504042 |
Великобритания | Missing People | http://www.missingpeople.org.uk/ | +4402083924590 |